Someone at my class asked if I had a kefir for dummies blog. I give out so much information at my classes that it is hard for people to keep it all straight. I have been doing this for at least 8 years and forget that I learned it over a period of time. So this is for all the people who come to my classes and read my blogs and want it explained in more detail.
Kefir For The Extremely Smart
1. There are two ways to make kefir. One with grains that reproduce and will last a life time (if you don't kill them with heat or starve them by not feeding them.) Or you can purchase culture packages. You get 6 packages that makes 42 gallons of kefir. Instructions for this kind of kefir is inside the packages. This explanation is for kefir using kefir grains.
2. You have to find or purchase kefir grains. Here are some resources.
Cultures For Health>
Happy Herbalist.
3. Take 1-2 tablespoons of Kefir grains. ( always keep them in milk they need something to eat at all times)
4. Place in a 4 quart glass canning jar and cover with 1-2 cups of cold milk. A good rule of thumb is for every tablespoon of kefir grains add 1 cup of milk.
5. Place a lid on the kefir and place in a spot in your kitchen that is out of the sunlight. This will stay for 24 hours.
6. After 24 hours take the kefir and remove the grains. This can be done with a slotted spoon or a strainer.
7. Then place your kefir that is strained in a glass jar and refrigerator or drink or second ferment. (see below)
8. Place your kefir grains in new milk and leave for 24 hours to start the process again.
Storing your kefir on vacation.
If you don't want to make new, kefir and want to store it, place it in at least 2 cups of milk remembering that if you have 1 Tbsp of grains to 1 cup of milk rule and adding a little more. I like to store mine in at least 3 cups of milk making sure that they have plenty of food to eat. Then you place this in the refrigerator. This will last for one week and then if you want to do it longer drain the milk and add new milk after 1 week. If you are going to be gone longer than a week double the milk you would add. It eats the lactose (milk sugar ) out of the milk and you want to be sure it has plenty to eat and won't die. It is a living colony and needs food just as you do.
Second Fermenting Your Kefir
This is what I do on a regular basis. It taste better, less sourer and the B vitamins sky rocket. Once you try this you won't go back to making it without 2nd fermenting. So Good!!
So here is what you do. It is super easy. After you make your kefir normally ( see above) and take the grains out, you place your kefir in a clamp down jar. Then you take an organic lemon or orange. If you don't have an organic one you can make it chemical free by placing your orange or lemon in boiling water for 30 seconds, then rinse in cold water. Then you take a vegetable peeler and peel you fruit skin in strips and place it in your jar and clamp the lid down. Leave it on your counter for half a day to a whole day. Then place in refrigerator and enjoy. It is so yummy it is lighter and creamy and flavored with your lemon or orange. It has a little more carbonation and the taste is worth the extra half a day and it is better for you. A lot of people I know will leave there grains and ferment their kefir for days. Although this is not a bad thing it makes for super sour kefir. You hardly want to drink it, it is so sourer. Kefir is meant to be enjoyed and the better it taste the more you will drink it.
Things I have second fermented my kefir with are; lemon or orange peel, whole strawberries, chia tea bag, cinnamon stick, and vanilla extract. I take the item out after the second ferment and store the flavored kefir in the fridge.
Blueberry Banana Kefir Smoothie
1 cup of frozen blueberries
1 cup of kefir
2 pcks stevia or your choice of sweetener
Blend until smooth, then pour in a pourable pitcher.
1 Banana
1 cup of ice
1 cup kefir
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 pcks stevia or your choice of sweetener
Blend until smooth, then pour in a pourable pitcher.Then take a tall glass and pour at the same time from both pitchers into the glass.This will create the two sided drink. Kids love this!
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